South Bristol Advice Services

SBAS is a charity providing free, professional, confidential information and advice to the South Bristol Community in welfare benefits and debt. Our debt advisers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.(FCA).

Our benefits team can help

  • Benefit entitlement checks
  • Advising on under-payments and back-dating
  • Helping to request a mandatory reconsideration
  • Advising on appeals
  • Preparing a written submission for a welfare benefit appeals

Help with completing welfare benefit forms:

  • Attendance Allowance (disability benefit for people of state pension age)
  • Child Disability Living Allowance
  • Employment Support Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment 
  • Blue Badge
Woman looking stressed infront of a computer.
empty wallet


Depending on your circumstances and level of debt we may be able to help with:

  • Handling eviction notices, bailiffs, court action etc.
  • Explaining your options for dealing with debt.
  • Contacting creditors on your behalf
  • Applying for debt relief orders (DRO) and bankruptcy
  • Completing a financial statement with you.
  • Checking to see if you fit the criteria for local help schemes
  • Providing advice on water and sewerage bills.
  • Helping and advising with cost of living crisis

How to get help

We have drop-in sessions at various locations in South Bristol. No appointment is required, just turn up on the day and bring any relevant information with you.

  • Monday to Friday 10:00 – 14:00 at the Withywood Centre, Queens Road, Bishopsworth, Bristol BS13 8QA
  • Tuesday 10:00 -12:00 at the @Symes Building, Hartcliffe, BS13 0BE
  • Tuesday 13:00 – 15:00 at Filwood Hope Centre, Filwood Broadway, BS4 1JL

Other sessions can be found on our Facebook page Link

You can call our debt team: 0117 9038 358  or benefits team: 0117 9851 122

An application for debt assistance can be made online using this link.

Email us:

We can offer support in person or by phone/ post /email

We do not provide housing advice, employment advice, or immigration advice. This information may be found on : ACFA is a network of advice centres in the Southwest of England who work in partnership to improve the provision of free, independent advice.

Frequently asked questions

No. All the advice is provided free of charge.

75 is the nearest 76 stops about ½ mile from the Withywood Centre

For Debt – Please bring proof of income (two monthly or four weekly wage slips), Letters from the DWP or your universal credit login information, bank statements, any bills or paperwork related to the matter you want to discuss. 

For welfare benefits bring the Letter/ decision notice or letters or Universal Credit Login details relating to the problem.

Please click here for details of advice sessions. We will make an appointment for you to be seen in person either at our offices at The Withywood Centre or by phone and post.

You can find more information from  ACFA – Bristol this is a network of advice centres in the Southwest of England.

Yes. With your permission we will process your personal data according to The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 1998. It may be added to an anonymous and confidential database or used by MAS (Money Advice Service) to create statistics, performance results or evaluations.

other useful links:

To register and apply for social housing in Bristol:

Home Choice 0117 922 2400 

To Report a Landlord or Letting agent: 0117 352 5010 

If you are going to court and need help: 

Employment Advice:

ACAS is an independent public body offering free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. Lots of online resources plus a national helpline. 0300 123 1100

How to claim Universal Credit: 

Wessex Water
Bristol Water
Community Fund
Nisbet Trust
Bristol City Council
Advice Quality Standard
Money & pensions Service
Quartet Community Foundation

Contact us

Contact us for benefits and debt advice, or to volunteer!

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